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High return on investment with Danmatic Tray Feeder 💵👌
Danmatic’s Tray Feeder is specially built to handle trays or peel boards fast and effecient, and will save one employee for just a small investment.

The Tray Feeder lifts the trays or peel boards from a stationary or mobile trolley by using 4 suction cups, supplied with vacuum from a built in pneumatic ejector or electric pump, and the trays or peel boards are then pushed out of the Tray Feeder onto a conveyor. The Tray Feeder comes with its own electrical controls built in - making it a standalone unit and easy to integrated into existing lines and the same unit can easily be moved between lines, easy, fast and effecient.

For more information, please visit or contact


Højt investeringsafkast med Danmatics Tray Feeder 💵👌
Danmatics Tray Feeder er specielt designet til at håndtere bageplader hurtigt og effektivt, og vil kunne spare én medarbejder for blot en lille investering.

Tray Feederen løfter bagepladerne fra en stationær eller mobil vogn ved hjælp af 4 sugekopper, der forsynes med vakuum fra en indbygget pneumatisk ejektor eller elektrisk pumpe. Bagepladerne skubbes derefter ud af Tray Feederen og videre til et transportbånd. Tray Feederen har sit eget indbyggede el-styringssystem, hvilket gør den til en selvstændig enhed, der er nem at integrere i eksisterende produktionslinjer. Samme enhed kan nemt flyttes mellem forskellige linjer – hurtigt, nemt og effektivt.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

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1 week ago
Mød Magnus Noisen - Salgsdirektør hos Danmatic 👋

Jeg har været hos Danmatic i kun 2 måneder nu, og selvom jeg stadig er ved at falde til, så føler jeg mig allerede rigtig godt tilpas. Den imødekommende atmosfære og den stærke samarbejdsånd på tværs af afdelingerne har gjort overgangen let. Danmatic er et sted, hvor samarbejdet blomstrer, og alle er engagerede i ikke kun at nå vores mål, men også i at støtte hinanden på vejen.

Hvad der gør min dag spændende, er den variation, der følger med at arbejde tæt sammen med kunder fra hele verden. Hver dag er forskellig, hvad enten jeg samarbejder med en ny kunde eller finder den perfekte løsning for en mangeårig partner. Denne diversitet gør min rolle dynamisk og udfordrer mig til at bruge min erfaring for at levere de bedste resultater. At være en del af en virksomhed, der værdsætter innovation og kundetilfredshed så højt som Danmatic, gør mit arbejde endnu mere tilfredsstillende.

Meet Magnus Noisen - Sales Director at Danmatic👋

I’ve been with Danmatic for just 2 months now, and even though I’m still settling in, I already feel very much at home. The welcoming atmosphere and the strong sense of teamwork across departments have made the transition seamless. Danmatic is a place where collaboration thrives, and everyone is committed to not only achieving our goals but also supporting each other along the way.

What makes my day exciting is the variety that comes with working closely with customers from around the world. Every day is different, whether I’m collaborating with a new client or finding the perfect solution for a long-time partner. This diversity keeps my role dynamic and challenges me to leverage my experience to deliver the best results. Being part of a company that values innovation and customer satisfaction as much as Danmatic does makes my work all the more fulfilling.

#danmatic #employee #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #globalbakery

Mød Magnus Noisen - Salgsdirektør hos Danmatic 👋

"Jeg har været hos Danmatic i kun 2 måneder nu, og selvom jeg stadig er ved at falde til, så føler jeg mig allerede rigtig godt tilpas. Den imødekommende atmosfære og den stærke samarbejdsånd på tværs af afdelingerne har gjort overgangen let. Danmatic er et sted, hvor samarbejdet blomstrer, og alle er engagerede i ikke kun at nå vores mål, men også i at støtte hinanden på vejen."

"Hvad der gør min dag spændende, er den variation, der følger med at arbejde tæt sammen med kunder fra hele verden. Hver dag er forskellig, hvad enten jeg samarbejder med en ny kunde eller finder den perfekte løsning for en mangeårig partner. Denne diversitet gør min rolle dynamisk og udfordrer mig til at bruge min erfaring for at levere de bedste resultater. At være en del af en virksomhed, der værdsætter innovation og kundetilfredshed så højt som Danmatic, gør mit arbejde endnu mere tilfredsstillende."

Meet Magnus Noisen - Sales Director at Danmatic👋

"I’ve been with Danmatic for just 2 months now, and even though I’m still settling in, I already feel very much at home. The welcoming atmosphere and the strong sense of teamwork across departments have made the transition seamless. Danmatic is a place where collaboration thrives, and everyone is committed to not only achieving our goals but also supporting each other along the way."

"What makes my day exciting is the variety that comes with working closely with customers from around the world. Every day is different, whether I’m collaborating with a new client or finding the perfect solution for a long-time partner. This diversity keeps my role dynamic and challenges me to leverage my experience to deliver the best results. Being part of a company that values innovation and customer satisfaction as much as Danmatic does makes my work all the more fulfilling."

#danmatic #employee #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #globalbakery
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2 weeks ago

Comment on Facebook

I har fået jer en rigtig dejlig person der. Magnus Noisen er både en dygtig og en vellidt person. Stort Held og lykke til jer alle med samarbejdet.

Thank you @BEMA for the Q&A Member Spotlight of Danmatic 🤩
Click the link and read the entire Q&A with Nick Sturgess from our Sales Office in North America  and learn more about how Danmatic can achieve up to 50% reduction of energy consumption.


Tak til @BEMA for Q&A Member Spotlight af Danmatic 🤩 
Klik på linket herunder og læs hele Q&Aen med Nick Sturgess fra vores salgsafdeling i Nordamerika og lær mere om, hvordan Danmatic kan opnå op til 50% reduktion i energiforbruget.

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #PLC #sustainable #saveenergy

Thank you @BEMA for the Q&A Member Spotlight of Danmatic 🤩
Click the link and read the entire Q&A with Nick Sturgess from our Sales Office in North America and learn more about how Danmatic can achieve up to 50% reduction of energy consumption.



Tak til @BEMA for Q&A Member Spotlight af Danmatic 🤩
Klik på linket herunder og læs hele Q&A'en med Nick Sturgess fra vores salgsafdeling i Nordamerika og lær mere om, hvordan Danmatic kan opnå op til 50% reduktion i energiforbruget.


#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #PLC #sustainable #saveenergy
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3 weeks ago

Danmatic product detection ensure highest efficiency and lowest waste when using glazing such as Puratos Sunset and other similar glazing products, egg, oil, lye, seed binding material such as Gecko Ultra, African gum, Guar etc.

No product - No spray👌🏻
Product detector ensure that if a product is missing on the tray, no spray will be applied. PulsaJet spray guns and the Danmatic mixing and filtering system ensures correct pressure, spray time sequence, spray volume, angle and correct distance to the dough.

- Less waste of liquid.
- Dough products do not stick to the pan.
- The coating of the pans does not get damaged when spraying and no dough.
- Less cleaning means less wear and tear of the pans.
- Closed casing with no visible cables and hoses means easy and less cleaning.
- Less contamination to the surrounding area.

- Narrow and compact design.
- Capsuled design in stainless steel.
- Food approved closed box for wash-down.

For more information, please visit or contact


Danmatic produktdetektion sikrer højeste effektivitet og laveste spild ved brug af glaze såsom Puratos Sunset og andre lignende glazeprodukter, æg, olie, lye, bindende materiale såsom Gecko Ultra, African gum , Guar osv.

Intet produkt - Ingen spray👌🏻
Produktdetektion sikrer, at hvis et produkt mangler på båndet, vil der ikke blive sprayed. PulsaJet sprøjtepistoler og Danmatic blande- og filtreringssystem sikrer korrekt tryk, sprøjtesekvens, sprøjtevolumen, vinkel og korrekt afstand til dejen.

- Mindre spild af væske.
- Dejprodukter klæber ikke til formen.
- Formens belægning bliver ikke beskadiget ved sprøjtning og ingen dej.
- Mindre rengøring betyder mindre slid på formene.
- Lukket kabinet uden synlige kabler og slanger betyder nem og mindre rengøring.
- Mindre forurening til det omkringliggende område.

- Smal og kompakt design.
- Design i rustfrit stål.
- Fødevaregodkendt lukket boks til rengøring

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #targetspray #bakeryandfoodindustry #glazing #Puratos #egg #oil #lye #seedbinding #seed #geckoultra #africangum #guar
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1 month ago
Retracting Unit - Industrial Model
Danmatic Depanner
Danmatic Moistening Roller - Olive Oil
Danmatic Retracting Unit
Danmatic Separator
Seeder with brush
Vacuum Conveyor
Danmatic Drilling / Bagging of Baguettes
Danmatic Tray Feeder
Danmatic Décor Unit 300 ST
Danmatic Vibrating Gutter System
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Danmatic Grouper
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Bread Decoration

Scoring Unit Water split

Danmatic’s Scoring Unit with Water split is designed for decoration of freestanding products as well as tin breads.

Danmatic’s Scoring Unit with Water split is designed to ease the cutting process in the bakery, eliminating the hard and repetitive manual work of making cuts by hand and to make precise and controlled cuts and cutting patterns in the dough.

The Scoring Unit is customized based on the product pattern and requested scoring pattern. With the very precise cuts made by the Water splitter we are able to make beautifully decorated bread - both small and large products, with or without seeds.

The Scoring Unit is delivered with integrated controls.

Technical data
  • Cutting with water jets
  • Customized scoring pattern
  • Customized to existing lines
  • Servo driven
  • Range up to 3.000 mm

All the benefits

  • Suitable for small as well as large products
  • Precise and even pattern of scoring
  • Remove the hard and repetitive manual work of hand made cuts

Download datasheet

Feel free to download the datasheet on our Danmatic machines and learn more about our innovative products.


Please contact us

Please call us or send your general inquiries.

+45 8725 9800