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No more cuts by hand👌

With Danmatic Water Scoring Unit you will eliminating the hard and repetitive manual work of making cuts by hand and instead make precise and controlled cuts and cutting patterns automatically.

Combined with Danmatic glaze- and lye spray unit, you get an premium- and high end product.

The uniform presentation of bread and new creative cutting patterns has become increasingly important and with Danmatic Water Scoring Unit you are able to make beautifully decorated bread - both small and large products, with or without seeds. And you'll save on staff at the same time!

For more information, please visit or contact


Ikke flere manuelle snit👌

Med Danmatic Water Scoring Unit eliminerer du det hårde og gentagne arbejde med at lave snit i hånden og kan i stedet lave præcise og kontrollerede snit og skæremønstre automatisk.

Kombineret med Danmatic glaze- and lye spray unit får du et premium- og højkvalitetsprodukt.

Den ensartede præsentation af brød og nye kreative skæremønstre bliver vigtigere og vigtigere, og med Danmatic Water Scoring Unit kan du lave smukt dekorerede brød – både små og store produkter, med eller uden kerner. Dertil kommer besparelsen på personalet!

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

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1 day ago
More than two years ago, Danmatic launched a new sustainability focus named ZERO WASTE. The goal was to improve sustainability by eliminating all waste in the value chain within the scope of Danmatic equipment.

ZERO WASTE not only of seeds, flour, glaze, oil, and other raw materials, but also ZERO WASTE in terms of eliminating non-value-adding functions in the production process.

After completing more than 120 projects with the ZERO WASTE focus, we can conclude – on behalf of our customers – that it is not only good for our individual sustainability goals, but it is also good business.

Three of the main challenges that bread manufacturers struggle with are:
✔️ Increasing profitability by reducing the cost of goods sold (COGS)
✔️ Reducing the return on investment (ROI) on automation investments
✔️ Increasing staff retention (solving staff shortages)

How we managed to improve business performance:
👉 We reduced energy consumption of all Danmatic equipment by 20–50% by reengineering motors, gears, guides, design, etc.

👉 We reduced waste of raw materials such as seeds, flour, glaze, and other food materials by up to 98% in the production process, by using target seeding, target spraying with product detection, and collection and recycling of raw materials.

👉 We reduced total use of seeds by 48% in the production process using equipment for target seeding, without reducing the value and appearance of the product.

👉 We reduced costs for downtime and cleaning of production lines due to less upstream contamination of seeds, flour, and glaze.

👉 We reduced waste of packaging material by 38% due to less upstream contamination, by targeted application of seeds and product detection of spray.

👉 We reduced and eliminated non-value-adding manual working processes by up to 70% by automating manual handling of pans, trays, tin-straps, peel boards, crates, etc.

👉 We reduced and eliminated manual work with heavy and poor posture handling of products and equipment by automation. We removed non-value-adding functions, transforming them into meaningful line-operator functions, which makes recruitment and retention of staff easier.

AND... on top of all these sustainable initiatives, we managed to reduce the return on investment (ROI) of automation equipment from an industry standard of 5+ years to less than 3 years on average, by having ZERO WASTE and sustainability as key drivers of engineering and manufacturing.

In our mind, this is good business.

Danmatic recently published a new sustainability ESG Manifesto, which you can read here: 

Contact us at to learn more about how we can make ZERO WASTE sustainability goals good business in your bakery!


For mere end to år siden lancerede Danmatic et nyt bæredygtighedsfokus kaldet ZERO WASTE. Målet var at forbedre bæredygtigheden ved at eliminere al spild i værdikæden inden for Danmatic-udstyr.

ZERO WASTE handler ikke kun om at reducere spild af frø, mel, glaze, olie og andre råvarer, men også om at fjerne ikke-værdiskabende funktioner i produktionsprocessen.

Efter at have gennemført mere end 120 projekter med ZERO WASTE-fokus kan vi konkludere – på vegne af vores kunder – at det ikke kun gavner vores individuelle bæredygtighedsmål, men også er god forretning.

Tre af de største udfordringer, som brødproducenter kæmper med:
✔️ Øge rentabiliteten ved at reducere omkostningerne til solgte varer (COGS)
✔️ Reducere tilbagebetalingstiden (ROI) på automatiseringsinvesteringer
✔️ Øge fastholdelsen af medarbejdere (løse personalemangel)

Sådan har vi forbedret forretningsresultaterne:
👉 Vi har reduceret energiforbruget på alt Danmatic-udstyr med 20–50 % ved at omkonstruere motorer, gear, føringer, design osv.

👉 Vi har reduceret spild af råvarer som frø, mel, glaze og andre fødevarer med op til 98% i produktionsprocessen ved at anvende et målrettet mønster for spray og dekorering ved hjælp af produktdetektering samt opsamling og genbrug af råvarer.

👉 Vi har reduceret det samlede forbrug af dekoration med 48% i produktionsprocessen ved hjælp af udstyr til målrettet dekorering – uden at gå på kompromis med produktets værdi og udseende.

👉 Vi har reduceret omkostningerne til driftsstop og rengøring af produktionslinjer på grund af mindre forurening fra frø, mel og glaze.

👉 Vi har reduceret spild af emballagemateriale med 38% på grund af mindre linjeforurening via målrettet påføring af dekoration og produktregistrering af spray.

Vi har reduceret og elimineret ikke-værdiskabende manuelle arbejdsprocesser med op til 70% ved at automatisere håndtering af bageplader, bakker, formsæt, peel-boards, kasser osv.
Vi har reduceret og elimineret manuelt arbejde med tunge løft og uhensigtsmæssige arbejdsstillinger gennem automatisering. 
Vi har fjernet ikke-værdiskabende funktioner og omdannet dem til meningsfulde operatørfunktioner, hvilket gør rekruttering og fastholdelse af medarbejdere lettere.
OG... oven i alle disse bæredygtige initiativer har vi formået at reducere tilbagebetalingstiden (ROI) for automatiseringsudstyr fra en industristandard på 5+ år til under 3 år i gennemsnit – ved at have ZERO WASTE og bæredygtighed som nøglefaktorer i vores ingeniørarbejde og produktion.

Efter vores opfattelse er dette god forretning.

Danmatic har for nylig offentliggjort et nyt bæredygtigheds-ESG-manifest, som du kan læse her:

Kontakt os på for at høre mere om, hvordan vi kan gøre ZERO WASTE-bæredygtighedsmål til god forretning i dit bageri!

More than two years ago, Danmatic launched a new sustainability focus named ZERO WASTE. The goal was to improve sustainability by eliminating all waste in the value chain within the scope of Danmatic equipment.

ZERO WASTE not only of seeds, flour, glaze, oil, and other raw materials, but also ZERO WASTE in terms of eliminating non-value-adding functions in the production process.

After completing more than 120 projects with the ZERO WASTE focus, we can conclude – on behalf of our customers – that it is not only good for our individual sustainability goals, but it is also good business.

Three of the main challenges that bread manufacturers struggle with are:
✔️ Increasing profitability by reducing the cost of goods sold (COGS)
✔️ Reducing the return on investment (ROI) on automation investments
✔️ Increasing staff retention (solving staff shortages)

How we managed to improve business performance:
👉 We reduced energy consumption of all Danmatic equipment by 20–50% by reengineering motors, gears, guides, design, etc.

👉 We reduced waste of raw materials such as seeds, flour, glaze, and other food materials by up to 98% in the production process, by using target seeding, target spraying with product detection, and collection and recycling of raw materials.

👉 We reduced total use of seeds by 48% in the production process using equipment for target seeding, without reducing the value and appearance of the product.

👉 We reduced costs for downtime and cleaning of production lines due to less upstream contamination of seeds, flour, and glaze.

👉 We reduced waste of packaging material by 38% due to less upstream contamination, by targeted application of seeds and product detection of spray.

👉 We reduced and eliminated non-value-adding manual working processes by up to 70% by automating manual handling of pans, trays, tin-straps, peel boards, crates, etc.

👉 We reduced and eliminated manual work with heavy and poor posture handling of products and equipment by automation. We removed non-value-adding functions, transforming them into meaningful line-operator functions, which makes recruitment and retention of staff easier.

AND... on top of all these sustainable initiatives, we managed to reduce the return on investment (ROI) of automation equipment from an industry standard of 5+ years to less than 3 years on average, by having ZERO WASTE and sustainability as key drivers of engineering and manufacturing.

In our mind, this is good business.

Danmatic recently published a new sustainability ESG Manifesto, which you can read here:

Contact us at to learn more about how we can make ZERO WASTE sustainability goals good business in your bakery!


For mere end to år siden lancerede Danmatic et nyt bæredygtighedsfokus kaldet ZERO WASTE. Målet var at forbedre bæredygtigheden ved at eliminere al spild i værdikæden inden for Danmatic-udstyr.

ZERO WASTE handler ikke kun om at reducere spild af frø, mel, glaze, olie og andre råvarer, men også om at fjerne ikke-værdiskabende funktioner i produktionsprocessen.

Efter at have gennemført mere end 120 projekter med ZERO WASTE-fokus kan vi konkludere – på vegne af vores kunder – at det ikke kun gavner vores individuelle bæredygtighedsmål, men også er god forretning.

Tre af de største udfordringer, som brødproducenter kæmper med:
✔️ Øge rentabiliteten ved at reducere omkostningerne til solgte varer (COGS)
✔️ Reducere tilbagebetalingstiden (ROI) på automatiseringsinvesteringer
✔️ Øge fastholdelsen af medarbejdere (løse personalemangel)

Sådan har vi forbedret forretningsresultaterne:
👉 Vi har reduceret energiforbruget på alt Danmatic-udstyr med 20–50 % ved at omkonstruere motorer, gear, føringer, design osv.

👉 Vi har reduceret spild af råvarer som frø, mel, glaze og andre fødevarer med op til 98% i produktionsprocessen ved at anvende et målrettet mønster for spray og dekorering ved hjælp af produktdetektering samt opsamling og genbrug af råvarer.

👉 Vi har reduceret det samlede forbrug af dekoration med 48% i produktionsprocessen ved hjælp af udstyr til målrettet dekorering – uden at gå på kompromis med produktets værdi og udseende.

👉 Vi har reduceret omkostningerne til driftsstop og rengøring af produktionslinjer på grund af mindre forurening fra frø, mel og glaze.

👉 Vi har reduceret spild af emballagemateriale med 38% på grund af mindre linjeforurening via målrettet påføring af dekoration og produktregistrering af spray.

Vi har reduceret og elimineret ikke-værdiskabende manuelle arbejdsprocesser med op til 70% ved at automatisere håndtering af bageplader, bakker, formsæt, peel-boards, kasser osv.
Vi har reduceret og elimineret manuelt arbejde med tunge løft og uhensigtsmæssige arbejdsstillinger gennem automatisering.
Vi har fjernet ikke-værdiskabende funktioner og omdannet dem til meningsfulde operatørfunktioner, hvilket gør rekruttering og fastholdelse af medarbejdere lettere.
OG... oven i alle disse bæredygtige initiativer har vi formået at reducere tilbagebetalingstiden (ROI) for automatiseringsudstyr fra en industristandard på 5+ år til under 3 år i gennemsnit – ved at have ZERO WASTE og bæredygtighed som nøglefaktorer i vores ingeniørarbejde og produktion.

Efter vores opfattelse er dette god forretning.

Danmatic har for nylig offentliggjort et nyt bæredygtigheds-ESG-manifest, som du kan læse her:

Kontakt os på for at høre mere om, hvordan vi kan gøre ZERO WASTE-bæredygtighedsmål til god forretning i dit bageri!
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2 weeks ago
Danmatic crate, box and tray stacking and de-stacking solution eliminating non-value add functions.

👉 Save up to 75% of labor cost for stacking and de-stacking.
👉 Increase staff retention by avoiding heavy lifting and bad postures in your production.

For more information, please visit or contact 


Danmatic løsning til stabling og afstabling af kasser, bokse og bakker, der fjerner ikke-værdiskabende funktioner.

👉 Spar op til 75 % af lønomkostningerne til stabling og afstabling.
👉 Øg medarbejderfastholdelsen ved at undgå tunge løft og dårlige arbejdsstillinger i din produktion.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #globalbakery  #stacker #de-stackerImage attachment

Danmatic crate, box and tray stacking and de-stacking solution eliminating non-value add functions.

👉 Save up to 75% of labor cost for stacking and de-stacking.
👉 Increase staff retention by avoiding heavy lifting and bad postures in your production.

For more information, please visit or contact


Danmatic løsning til stabling og afstabling af kasser, bokse og bakker, der fjerner ikke-værdiskabende funktioner.

👉 Spar op til 75 % af lønomkostningerne til stabling og afstabling.
👉 Øg medarbejderfastholdelsen ved at undgå tunge løft og dårlige arbejdsstillinger i din produktion.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #globalbakery #stacker #de-stacker
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3 weeks ago
Nick and Ken from Danmatic US and Canada team will attend the ASB’s Baking Tech Conference  in Orlando to stay updated on baking trends and new opportunities and looking forward discussing the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept with parthers, customers and suppliers. 

See you in Orlando Feb. 15-18, 2025!

For more information, please visit or contact 


Nick og Ken fra Danmatic-teamet i USA og Canada deltager i ASBs Baking Tech Conference i Orlando for at holde sig opdateret på de nyeste trends inden for bageribranchen og opdage nye muligheder. De ser frem til at diskutere Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet med partnere, kunder og leverandører.

Vi ses i Orlando den 15.-18. februar 2025!
American Society of Baking

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #craftbakers  #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #bakers  #baking  #pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #savecost #Zerowaste #fair #conference #ASBbakingtechconference #BakingTECH2025Image attachmentImage attachment

Nick and Ken from Danmatic US and Canada team will attend the ASB’s Baking Tech Conference in Orlando to stay updated on baking trends and new opportunities and looking forward discussing the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept with parthers, customers and suppliers.

See you in Orlando Feb. 15-18, 2025!

For more information, please visit or contact


Nick og Ken fra Danmatic-teamet i USA og Canada deltager i ASB's Baking Tech Conference i Orlando for at holde sig opdateret på de nyeste trends inden for bageribranchen og opdage nye muligheder. De ser frem til at diskutere Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet med partnere, kunder og leverandører.

Vi ses i Orlando den 15.-18. februar 2025!
American Society of Baking

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #savecost #Zerowaste #fair #conference #ASBbakingtechconference #BakingTECH2025
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4 weeks ago
Danmatic Seeds Enrobed
Danmatic Retracting Unit - Industrial Model
Danmatic Depanner
Danmatic Moistening Roller - Olive Oil
Danmatic Retracting Unit
Danmatic Separator
Danmatic Seeder with brush
Danmatic Vacuum Conveyor
Danmatic Drilling / Bagging of Baguettes
Danmatic Tray Feeder
Danmatic Décor Unit 300 ST
Danmatic Vibrating Gutter System
Danmatic Seeder with Vibration
Danmatic Tray conveying
Danmatic Grouper

Who we are
Danmatic A/S

Our vision

We are our customer’s source of know-how.

Our philosophy

To bring together the best suppliers for the solution combined with our own engineering, based on our customer’s knowledge, product requirements and our experience.

Our goal

To be able to help and support the customer all the way from start to finish. In the process: To bring together different suppliers in order to create the best experience for our customer.


Storskogen Group AB acquired the majority of Danmatic A/S March 1st, 2021.

Storskogen acquires and manages small and medium-sized businesses with an infinite ownership perspective. Group turnover was EUR 3.4+ billion in 2021. Danmatic belongs to the Industry & Automation Group with a EUR 1.3 billion turnover. Group members are 122+ small and mid-sized companies with 12,200 FTEs (May 2022).

Latest updates:

Founded by an engineer and a baker

We know dough

Danmatic was founded by an engineer and a baker. This combination of know-how on both automation technology and the baking process is still the core of our mindset. The taste, ingredients, look and feel of the bread determine the machine, and not the other way round. If you can create it, we can automate it.

We take pride in creating solutions that fit seamlessly into the full dough processing line – and we only consider our job done when the gears are spinning, the crumb is soft, and the crust is perfect.

Danmatic is your partner in moving automated baking forward. For more than 30 years, we have developed innovative baking technology that sets new standards for the industry.

Standard equipment

We manufacture a range of best-in-class machines used by market leading bakeries across the world.

More than 35 machines within automation of baking processes, from bread decoration and makeup, tray handling systems, rye bread lines, conveyer solutions and many other solutions, has been improved and optimized over 30 years and is now available as a Danmatic standard solution.

New equipment

In close cooperation with ambitious bakers, we invent new solutions that move automated baking forward. Danmatic have developed more than 350 new machines for automation of baking in retail- and industrial bakeries.


We design and install integrated turnkey production systems and expansions by selecting and combining the best machines on the market in an integrated solution. Eg. from silo to warehouse or a full bread line.

Consulting services

Danmatic offer 30 years of company experience being the customers source og knowhow i.e. consulting services. From pre-studies of new equipment, new product concepts, project management and equipment specifications.

Used by market leading bakeries across the world

Market leading bakeries

Throughout the years we have developed a range of standard Danmatic machines that are considered best-in-class and used in bakeries all over the world.

We are particularly known for our decoration line with the unique moistening roller system that reduce the waste of topping material, for our compact tray handling system, and for our drilling machine for French hotdog.

Hygiene, ergonomics, and efficiency

Three parameters are in focus in all of the Danmatic machines: Hygiene, ergonomics, and efficiency.

Fast cleaning gives you less downtime

With our products you will experience easier and faster cleaning, resulting in fewer and shorter production stoppages. We incorporate good hygiene into all our machines. Wherever possible, we have designed the machine so that product residue does not accumulate in hard-to-reach places.

We listen to the customer's needs

We are proud to receive this beautiful bronze sculpture from one of our big customers - one of Europe's top 5 bakeries. The figure represents an ear as an acknowledgment that we listen to the customer's needs and ideas and transforms them into an optimal solution for the customer.

Your partner in moving automated baking forward

Our philosophy
To bring together the best suppliers for the solution combined with our own engineering.
We develop what does not exist. Offer a range of standardized automated equipment with in-depth concept and equipment know-how.

Our goal
To be able to help and support the customer all the way from start to finish.
In the process; To bring together different suppliers in order to create the best experience for our customer.

Facts and Figures


1.000 completed projects

Over the years, Danmatic has designed and produced a wide range of equipment and special machines for the bakery industry.
We have contributed to more than 1,000 projects for satisfied customers through our many years in the bakery business.

Our core business

The core business for Danmatic is manufacturing our standard machine programme, custom design, project engineering and equipment supplies including 3rd part equipment and service and maintenance.
Our extensive know-how and expertise make us one of the leading players in the bakery business. We take responsibility for the project from start to finish and ensure that all machines work together in a correct and efficient manner.


Core customers

Industrial, mid-sized and retail bakeries and system integrators.


At Danmatic, we are a strong team with highly specialized employees with average of 15 years seniority. We have highly skilled mechanic engineers. Some of our employees have a background from the baking and bread industry, why we speak same language as our customers. The end product defines the machine, not the other way around.

Financial background

Danmatic A/S is a robust company. We were awarded the AAA credit rating by Dun & Bradstreet in 2001 and have retained it since. We were founded in 1989 with an average seniority of 15 years - and we will be here for many years to come.


Proud member of



Download company presentation here


Download brochure here



We support Crush Cancer and KidsAid


It is with great pleasure that, in our collaboration with Crush Cancer (Knus Kræft) and KidsAid, we support the children and young people who are either socially vulnerable or affected by illness.